The Gamerheads Podcast

Behind the Scenes of Game Innovation: The Creative Journey Behind "Be My Horde"

April 12, 2024 The Gamerheads Podcast
Behind the Scenes of Game Innovation: The Creative Journey Behind "Be My Horde"
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The Gamerheads Podcast
Behind the Scenes of Game Innovation: The Creative Journey Behind "Be My Horde"
Apr 12, 2024
The Gamerheads Podcast

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Prepare to be enthralled as Łukasz from Polished Games joins us on The Gamerheads Podcast to discuss the game Be My Horde. In our rich conversation, Lucas takes us through the creative labyrinth behind Be My Horde, an innovative game that challenges players to embrace their inner necromancer, marshaling a legion of minions in pursuit of unbridled chaos. His insights into the relationship between PR, marketing, and the hands-on development process illuminate the multifaceted nature of game creation—a must-listen for anyone fascinated by the alchemy of turning ideas into interactive adventures.

The episode then shifts its lens to the artistic marvels behind "Be My Heart," revealing how the artists infuse the game with a visual charm that defies conventional norms. As we discuss the thoughtfully crafted character Moriana, who exudes the eerie elegance of Morticia Addams, you'll appreciate the meticulous attention to detail that goes into every artistic decision. The voice acting segment offers a peek into the narrative soul of the game, exploring the quest for the perfect tone that will breathe authentic life into the characters inhabiting the world of Be My Heart.

Our final chapter unveils the anticipatory roadmap for Be My Horde, where
Łukasz highlights the crucial role of community feedback in polishing the edges of this gaming gem. The episode wraps up with playful musings on a potential crossover between Be My Horde and the much-adored Realms of Magic series, teasing the mind with the possibilities of shared universes and future adventures.

Join us as we navigate the uncharted waters of game development with the charismatic Łukaszat at the helm.

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Jeff Dasler - Recused


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Prepare to be enthralled as Łukasz from Polished Games joins us on The Gamerheads Podcast to discuss the game Be My Horde. In our rich conversation, Lucas takes us through the creative labyrinth behind Be My Horde, an innovative game that challenges players to embrace their inner necromancer, marshaling a legion of minions in pursuit of unbridled chaos. His insights into the relationship between PR, marketing, and the hands-on development process illuminate the multifaceted nature of game creation—a must-listen for anyone fascinated by the alchemy of turning ideas into interactive adventures.

The episode then shifts its lens to the artistic marvels behind "Be My Heart," revealing how the artists infuse the game with a visual charm that defies conventional norms. As we discuss the thoughtfully crafted character Moriana, who exudes the eerie elegance of Morticia Addams, you'll appreciate the meticulous attention to detail that goes into every artistic decision. The voice acting segment offers a peek into the narrative soul of the game, exploring the quest for the perfect tone that will breathe authentic life into the characters inhabiting the world of Be My Heart.

Our final chapter unveils the anticipatory roadmap for Be My Horde, where
Łukasz highlights the crucial role of community feedback in polishing the edges of this gaming gem. The episode wraps up with playful musings on a potential crossover between Be My Horde and the much-adored Realms of Magic series, teasing the mind with the possibilities of shared universes and future adventures.

Join us as we navigate the uncharted waters of game development with the charismatic Łukaszat at the helm.

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Jeff Dasler - Recused


Speaker 1:

This episode of Gamer Heads is brought to you by Magic Mind, the healthy energy drink that will help you take your creativity to a new level. Hi, I'm Celia Schilling from Yacht Club Games. Hey, this is James from Mega Cat Studios.

Speaker 2:

Hey, this is Matt aka Stormageddon from Reignite Screen Snark and the Fun and Games podcast.

Speaker 1:

This is Stephanie from the Boss Rush podcast and the Boss Rush Network. Hey, this is Mark and Kion from Bonta Affold. Hey, this is Sebastian with the PronerdReportcom and the Single Player Experience Podcast. Hi, this is Chris, mike and Garrett from Daylight Basement Studio. Hey, this is BaronJ67 from Level One Gaming. Hey, this is Todd Mitchell from Code Right Play Salutations. This is Mike Carroll from Stroll Art. Hey, this is Jeff Moonen from Fun and Games Podcast. Hey, this is Patrick from the Backlog Odyssey. Hey, this is Rune from Runic Codes.

Speaker 2:

Hi, this is Andrew from Spallata Birds.

Speaker 1:

Hi everyone.

Speaker 2:

Jill Grote here from the Indie Informer.

Speaker 1:

Hey, this is Brimstone and you're listening to Roger Reichardt on the Gamer Heads Podcast. And you're listening to Roger Reichardt on the Gamer Heads Podcast. And welcome to another episode of the Gamer Heads Podcast. My name is Roger. Along with me, I have a very special guest, someone that I met at PAX East, and I got to play the game that him and his team have been working on called Be my Horde. My guest this week is Lucas from Polish Games, the game that that him and his team have been working on called Be my Horde. My guest this week is Lucas from from Polish Games. Lucas, thank you so much for joining me this week.

Speaker 2:

I'm super free to be here and talk to you once again after Pax East.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, pax East was really fun and meeting you at Pax East was was actually one of the highlights I had of of the show as well, because you are just such an outgoing person. I mean, that is your role, I understand, but still you are a very outgoing person and it was really fun hanging out with you and seeing you and getting to play the game.

Speaker 2:

So I'm glad that you're able to come on the show. That's me, that's my job to be a talker in Polish games because I'm a head of PR and marketing, so I'm not doing the game. Uh, the true heroes are behind the curtain and here to speak in the on behalf of them uh well, I would say, your job is very, very important as well, so thank you so much.

Speaker 1:

Well, tell us about yourself before we get into the game. Be my horde. Why don't you tell us about yourself? Uh, I mean, obviously you're. You're in poland, but talk a little bit about yourself, the games, what got you into gaming and what attracted you to getting into the marketing realm of gaming as well.

Speaker 2:

Since I remember. Yeah, I'm that kind of guy who starts from since I remember. Since I remember, I was interested in video games, primarily in pop culture as a whole. To be honest, on the very beginning of my career, I really wanted to be a movie director, so I was more into cinema than games.

Speaker 2:

But at some point I just turned into this medium. I don't remember exactly why, I just knew that games are awesome. To be honest, I played Doom from 1993 when I was like four years old. So I started very, very early and I really wanted to make games. But at some point it turned out that I'm a very, very bad programmer and even worse artist. So I guess I had to find something for myself. I was thinking about the game design, but I worked on sale at that time.

Speaker 2:

That time I remember, and I was like, well, maybe marketing, maybe something like that, and there are not too many marketing guys in video game industry. It's like some studios, I think, smaller studios, of course, mostly in the thing. They don't need people like that. So there's always space for us, you know, to to try, and that I I just joined in, I don't know. I'm in this industry for like six, six, seven years, I don't remember exactly right now. I worked in high school games better gaming agency, no gravity games, pure dynamic and now I'm the head of pr and marketing at polished games and, uh, I love all those jobs because I learned a lot, I gained a of experience, but Polish games is the best, because I uh to make a full circle, I I just want to say that now I'm very, very close to the game that I need to promote. It's like I don't do I don't make this game, unfortunately but I'm very, very close to the development process. So it's feel, it feels that I'm I'm in the middle of creating something great.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome and you've been with polish games for a year now. Is that right, not?

Speaker 2:

all year I joined. I joined october last year, so I will tell you more about it later, because it's quite a great story, but it's connected to the how be my horde was born, so maybe I'll tell you more about it later, okay okay.

Speaker 1:

Well, since we're talking about the game, be my Horde, tell us what this game is about.

Speaker 2:

Well, when you look at Be my Horde, the first thing you think is whoa, this is another vampire survivor's clone.

Speaker 2:

And yes, of course, it has some similarities, but we have a twist in our game and, like I told you on PAX East not so long ago, our twist is that you do not attack enemies directly because your minions do it for you. And this is the thing you play as Moriana. She's a sexy necromancer who is well, she is evil. You're kind of evil in this scenario. You just want to bring chaos to the world and fight against forces of good, and because you are a necromancer, you can resurrect each fallen enemy, gradually expanding your horde of undead warriors. It's like we do not fight your minions autonomically. Uh, this is how we say so sorry, your, your viewer, the listeners. I'm not english native speaker, so probably I will make plethora of stupid mistakes while talking.

Speaker 1:

So sorry about that. No, no, no, no, no.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just wanted to say that here. Yeah, you do not fight. Your minions are autonomously this is the right expression Autonomously. They're defining for you. And when you kill somebody, whatever it is a warrior, knight, peasant the living creature you will kill, you can resurrect and add them to your horde. That's, uh, that, that's. That's the thing with being a horde yeah, I love that.

Speaker 1:

I love that mechanic, because that is really. It is different than, uh, than vampire survivors. Uh, in the sense that, yes, you are walking around, but there is, there is, there is, you know, and again there is in vampire survivors, don't get me wrong, but there is some strategy around who you include into your horde and who do you engage with. Are you powerful enough to engage in those enemies, or should you hold off and try to build your horde up before you take on that next level of enemies? That's one thing that I really appreciated about the game, because that is different than the Vampire Survivors. Not saying the Vampire Survivors doesn't have strategy, because it does. You're saying that this, the strategy here, is a little bit different yes, exactly, it's like in vampire survivors the.

Speaker 2:

The character is the main focus. You, you expand, you develop your character, uh, getting more abilities and getting stronger. Here, like you said, it's more, more about finding stronger and more powerful units you can kill and add to your horde, and that's the main thing that the minions are in the spotlight, not exactly the main character.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I love that, but what inspired that mechanic then? Because that is different. What inspired that mechanic to have the minions attack versus having the player doing some attacks?

Speaker 2:

the minions attack versus having you know the player doing some attacks. This is quite funny story, to be honest, because it all started from, uh, our game director, uh, christoph dadewo uh, I know very difficult name for now, christo, christopher, it would be in english, so christopher. Uh, he played some time ago a game called, maybe you know, with diablo 4, and he played as a necromancer and he wasn't pleased with the necromancer in Diablo 4. I mean, he likes the game, but generally it didn't fulfill this fantasy of being a necromancer, of creating these huge armies of undead warriors, and he was like, okay, I can do better, maybe I will find some similar games too. And he was. He was doing in the research and he found out that there are not too many games where you're a necromancer creating the huge armies, huge hordes. And there was only one game that was close to what he was looking for and this game is very small in the title made for the game, jam in 20, I guess, if I'm correctly, and it was called Right Click to Necromancer. Oh, interesting, if you want to, if your listeners find this game it's amazing and you can see that, yes, it is. I like Pima Horde. It's quite similar to Right Click to Necromancer. But this game is very, very small, very, very small for the short session, just to like.

Speaker 2:

I said, it's a game jam title and Krzysztof was thinking about how to make a full-fledged game out of it. And then he turned to Vampire Survivors. He kind of took Right Click to Necromancer and Vampire Survivors and combined it together and you ask why the main protagonist isn't fighting? Because in Right Click to Necromancer there is no protagonist, there is only Hulk. We took, of course, the character in the style of Vampire Survivors. You have the character in the middle of the screen, but we kind of combine it together like, yes, you are the character, you are that Moriana you see on the screen, but minions, like I said before, minions are more important, like it was in Right Click to Necromancer. You're a necromancer, you do not fight. Uh, you, you are, you're a bow fighting. To be honest, you have people to do the job, that's right, that's right and that's that's why, also why we came up with the character moriana.

Speaker 2:

It was also christophe's idea to create this uh, proud, cocky, haughty character. She's above fighting, she's more aristocratic, she doesn't want to make her hands dirty, she's a leader, not a warrior. It just fitted our concept perfectly. Perhaps at the very beginning of the project, we had some ideas about adding some spells, I don't know Fireball, whatever. It just didn't fit. It's very cool that you are yes, you are, on one hand, you're still the main protagonist of this game, you are the mariana, but in terms of uh, fighting, in terms of strategy, no minions are more important nice, I love that.

Speaker 1:

The other thing, I the other thing that I think that stands this game. Well, there's two things and I'll mention the first one. I'm going to throw a curveball to you because I have a second question that's going to follow up to this. Uh, but the first question I have is that, uh, the fact, uh, it's not really questions more of a statement. The love I love the art in this game like this is so different. It's not that pixelated and not I. I love pixelated art, don't get me wrong, but this is. It looks more hand-drawn art style, um and uh, the characters look fantastic. Can you tell us more about that art creation and that process and how it evolved over time?

Speaker 2:

I mean our first game, the previous game we launched a war called realms of magic with, which is a role-playing game. It also was 2d and we just kind of feel um comfortable with the 2d graphic. We really wanted to make this game very simple. It worked as a simple, not very complex project. To be honest. Now, before I will tell you anything more about art, I just want to add one more thing is that when I joined the Poison Games, it was like three people working at this company. Right now there are 10 of us. Wow, even more if we we add outsource to it.

Speaker 2:

And the people running the company. They knew that, hey, we hired a lot of new people. Let's not make a huge, another huge rpg game, because because, yes, our runs for magic was, is is, quite a big game. It was, I think, the development of friends of magic. It was like seven, eight years, seven working on this game.

Speaker 2:

The group of nerds are just trying to make a great fantasy adventure and indeed and they did, because the runs magic is amazing game and they understood now that, okay, we have more people. We need to work on something uh, smaller, just kind of uh, learn how to work when in the bigger group, learn how to cooperate with each other, and that's why I'm making be my heart and, yes, why it looks like that, why it looks like it looks like, is because we wanted to make it simple and, yeah, the 2d graphic is less, uh, complex, but it's still beautiful. We have amazing artists on, uh on board, uh, alicia frelich and cordial scovron, and they are both amazing. Alicia, uh, she's responsible for moriana's look, uh, because, uh, we were thinking about how this sexy necromancer would look like, um, but she really wanted to avoid. She wanted to avoid, uh, the generic necromancer look like, you know, the side hoodie, things like that. And she was thinking about what to do, what to do, and she came up with Morticia Adams style.

Speaker 2:

Morticia Adams was the main primary inspiration to make Moriana. She's proud, but she is seductive, but not in a vulgar way, you know. Yeah, and this is why it works and this is also the thing why we are doing it in 2D. Sorry, I forgot about mentioning the game is very violent and we don't want to do it adult only game. That's not the thing. The game has a lot of humor in it and it's not very serious. So there is a lot of blood, but it's all of that In a very cartoonish way, very cartoonish style, and that makes this game, I think, appealing to a lot of people, to us too, that it's not so serious and 2D graphic helps us a lot to find it.

Speaker 2:

The funny thing is that I remember when because Alicia joined the team together with me and she thought that she's going to work on another pixel art game like Realms of Magic she thought that she's going to work on another pixel art game like realms of magic and to this day she didn't. She didn't make any uh pixel art style, anything from the game. It's like they did they straight ahead. They went to the handwritten hand and um, uh drawing, uh style, and it's it's a running joke here in the company that, hey, you were supposed to be a pixel art artist.

Speaker 2:

You never did any pixel art for boys games, but maybe in the future we're planning to, you know, maybe come back to Runs of Magic after Be my Heart. And, like I said, there is a second graphic designer, kordian. He's also amazing. He joined a little bit later and he's helping Alicia a lot creating this amazing work. Because, guys, what, what you saw, what you can see in a demo of be my heart, it's just a glimpse of what was going on in the full game Like I know it. I saw it working on. I don't want to tell you too much, but there will be more and more cool graphics to it and even animations, because right now, the characters are more, like you know, moving, like the paper dolls or something.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I like that. Yeah, that's awesome. I love the art. And the other thing I love about the art, too, is that when the main character starts losing her horde and starts taking damage herself, she starts to decay and get brought. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Like she starts to see the damage and like almost becomes undead herself and it looks really cool because remember that moriana, she's a very beautiful, attractive woman on her own outside, because she's she's an immortal lich, she's she's a, she's a bad guy, and so when she gets damaged, you can see who she really is. And it was also very cool but but very difficult thing to do in the game, because we didn't want to have the health bar to show how much health points you have, and it was. It was pain in the ass to prepare it perfectly.

Speaker 2:

Alicia prepared a lot of iterations of how Mariana could look like when she gets damaged and, to be honest, we're still working on it to to make it, to make it better. You know, we are called polished games, so everything we do in the head has to be polished with with the door ourselves. We are that kind of people that very working on every detail in the game. Uh, maybe, maybe, sometimes spending too much time on it, but thanks to it, our games are polished. And, yeah, I also love this idea of mariana become more skeleton at the very end of her life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it looks really good uh, the other thing that I that I wanted to point out too that's different than vampire survivors is that there's voice acting this game. So I didn't I didn't actually have this on my list of questions for you. I'm gonna throw you a curveball. Uh, talk more about the voice acting in in that process around getting a voice actor and, uh, and incorporating that into the game. What was that, what was that like and what was the tone you were looking for in in that whole process?

Speaker 2:

oh, uh, this is. I'm very happy you asked about it, because this is the only one thing that I added to the game.

Speaker 1:

I know this because you mentioned this.

Speaker 2:

I mentioned it. You did, you did.

Speaker 1:

So I wanted to make sure I included this into this conversation. Oh, thank you so much.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean the idea to add the voice acting to the game was kind of a common idea, like we together came up with it. But I was responsible for finding an actress to play play Mariana, and it was a great adventure. I did a whole casting because, yeah, beamer heart is not full-fledged RPG game or something like that. I shouldn't say RPG game is. The game is in the, in the name. It's only RPG, so it's not a big game with tons of dialogues and lines etc. But we still wanted to make it seriously make all the casting.

Speaker 2:

I got a lot of audition records from amazing actresses. I really would love to share those names here but I cannot. I shouldn't do it, you know how it is, but it was very great actresses. It was a great pleasure for me to meet them.

Speaker 2:

But amberly connor's, who plays moriana, she was just, she was perfect. She, to be honest, she was the first one who sent us the, the audition records, and we were like, yeah, yeah, this is very cool, this is, this is great. Uh, but let's, let's, let's hear the others. And I remember that the, the casting, the, the audition recorders I was I was receiving it was like for one or two, even three weeks, and no one was better than amber. It was like no I I think. I think it's destiny we need to get back to her. And because she was first and of course I wrote to her back that thank you so much for audition records. Please wait for the to her. And because she was first and of course I wrote to her back that I thank you so much For audition records. Please wait for the end of casting. Because she was first, she kind of I think she thought she didn't get the role Because I didn't contact her very quickly.

Speaker 2:

But when I came back to her she was like, oh my god, that's amazing. Yeah, she was so happy and I remember we were very nervous when we started to work with her because it's like no one in Polish games has a great experience with voice over directing. It's like we don't have experience in it and we make a call with Amber so she could start recording lines. We need it for the trailer and for the demo, so we can hear her her be there on Zoom and give her some notes. After I don't know after five minutes, we knew that we are not needed there. She was doing no notes. I remember that in the first five, ten minutes I only had maybe one note.

Speaker 2:

And it wasn't that she did something bad. It was like, hey, maybe do it this way, and it was okay. Okay, this way, and it was okay. Okay, thank you. That was the only one, because, besides of that, she was perfect and we were like you know what, amber, we won't distract you, we want to feel comfortable, we'll go to our things and you do the job and next day.

Speaker 2:

She sent us all the. She recorded all the lines in a matter of hour, something like that, and it was perfect. So she, she loves the character and it. You can hear that. Uh, I know that they are just one-liners that she's throwing during the gameplay, but I think that it adds a lot of depth to the, to the game, like, because it there is, there is no voice acting in games like vampire survivors, and I know that we will stand out thanks to it. And, yes, we are going to add more lines and we already want to make more sessions with Amber Lee Connors and we even have some ideas for other characters in the future to add and also add them higher actors for them. But I can tell you more about it. That's a very, very, very top secret, but, yeah, stay tuned, yeah.

Speaker 1:

She, she did a fantastic job. I mean really, she just like her care. I mean the voice just fits with the character so well. So I wanted to call that out too, because it's such a great job. What were some of the challenges that you ran into when you're developing the game?

Speaker 2:

I think, mostly balancing. Balancing, you know, because, besides of some things with art that like, like I told you, with that, with this, like mariana is getting damaged and she looks more and more, uh, wounded, and that was the challenge. But in terms of other things than art, I think that balancing the game, because you play game, needs to be challenging. We didn't want to make a casual game, it's it. We really wanted to make a game with that kind of easy to learn but hard to master because, yeah, it's very, very, very, very simple, it's not very complex. You can learn how, what to do in I don't know 10 seconds, 10 seconds, and you know what to do in be my heart. But at the same time, we wanted to make it hard to get, um, to get a good result in this game. So you, you need to learn, you need to try and you play as a freaking necromancer. It's impossible to lose. Imagine the situation that you play as Moriana, with 100 minions fighting with 100 foes. You know you will win. That's why this whole Night King character from Game of Thrones was terrifying that, hey, I'm fighting with them. Of course I have some losses on my side, some bodies count, and he just resurrect them and recreate his horde. It's terrifying. So we didn't want to make Moriana unstoppable, and the thing is that we I remember how Jakub Apostolski, one of our game designers I asked him one day how he approached the balancing of the game.

Speaker 2:

He told me how was it? He approached it. I approached it with blood and sweat or something. I love this quote. It's great. That's the thing. They spend a lot of time working on how to do it. I love this quote. It's great. That's the thing. They spend a lot of time working on how to do it.

Speaker 2:

The answer is in the time and numbers, because when you play the Be my Horde demo, you'll see that the longer you're on the level, the more waves of enemies are coming. And we turned this game into racing with time because you need to be constantly moving, gathering your horde and make it bigger and bigger and bigger, because you know that in one minute, in two minutes, something will happen and you can lose your army. And thanks to it, you do not stand in one place waiting that your horde will build by itself. No, no, you need to move, you need to act, and I think it worked very well in the demo and I'm very proud of the game designers, what they did here.

Speaker 2:

I remember they were um talking about the effect that is called snowball effect. This is the term from game design that when you, you're, you're getting too powerful at the beginning of the game, you know like it's like a snowball going from from the mountain. And I remember this is the thing that we were working very, very long to get rid of this snowball effect. And I think now what the demo represents, it shows it perfectly. Like we did those moments, we know that most players will die in this minute, this minute, this minute. We put the demo and it was true, most of the players died in the, in the moment we wanted them. So it showed that, yeah, we really nailed the balance and now we can use this knowledge, this experience we gain for the full game, uh, to make it enjoyable but not too easy. You know, more challenging than and easy yeah, yeah I.

Speaker 1:

I say, I mean, I thought I did pretty well. I think you said like the what was your?

Speaker 2:

time it was like 13 something 13 something, 13 minutes. That's a very good result, because most of the players die in like five minutes, five, five minutes, right right, right now here.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, here's the thing, though. Here's the thing that I had advantage of. I was watching the person in front of me and they lasted like almost almost broke your record. I think you said that there was a record of like 14 minutes and they almost broke that and I was watching their strategy and I was like, okay, I'm gonna take that strategy and I'm gonna, I'm gonna adapt it a little bit differently, and that's yeah, plus, I'm so sorry, roger, I forgot that on the packs you had already all abilities bought.

Speaker 2:

When you play the demo on Steam, you still need to buy all those free abilities, but it's still a very good result for the first time. Really, really, really. Sorry, just reminded that we yeah, when you play the demo right now, there are free abilities available in the game that you need to buy. When you kill the opponents, you gain those souls and you can purchase. You can spend them to purchase some abilities. Right now they're only free, available in the full game. Of course we will have more of them. But to know to make the demo on PAX East quicker so more people could play it, we just add those free abilities already available in the demo so more people could play it. We just add those three abilities already available in the demo.

Speaker 1:

You didn't have to tell me that I actually feel really good about myself until you told me that Now I feel like I don't feel as good about myself.

Speaker 2:

It's still a very good result, trust me. Trust me. I think I had a worse result when I first played before those three abilities.

Speaker 2:

I don't know why it happened. I mean, I know why it happened because I'm the I'm the pr marketing guy, but I don't know how it happened that I'm in the front and speaking, uh, on behalf of everybody, because I'm the worst of all people playing games. I'll be my heart like when we do our internal tests. Uh, when we because from time to time we meet in one uh, from time to time, when we have a new build, we're playing it together, telling, hey, this is cool, this is not cool, maybe let's change that. Oh, this is great. And he was the first one to die those tests. I was like, oh my god, it's so embarrassing.

Speaker 1:

Do they not use you as the balancing?

Speaker 2:

don't worry, if he dies too early, it's not a balancing issue, it's just that he dies too early, I mean I mean, this is this is this is the argument that christoph used once, because I was like, oh, I'm so bad at this game, I'm so sorry guys. And he was like no, you're perfect, you're perfect to do tests on you because you are casual game, that's okay, I'm useful for the team.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome. I love that so much. Well, you kind of alluded to this. I'm going to ask a question and I don't know if you can answer it or not, but what is next in store for? Be my Horde, what can we expect in the future?

Speaker 2:

Right now we are hardly working on feedback we got from Pax East and previously from Steam, next Fest, because we really I know that every developer says that, but we are very serious about feedback from players and really analyzed it and we want to make the game that on one hand, we want to play it, but of course we are doing it for somebody. So we hear, hear people, uh, what they're saying, and we're trying to work with that. Right now we're quite silent because, yeah, because we're, we are busy, we are kind of busy, but soon we should reveal more what will happen. I can tell you that first, what first will happen is the early access lounge that we are planning for this year, mid this year, so I'm talking about June, july. We are very close, to be honest, to this release, but we are not going to make it the permanent early access like seven years in the early access. No, we don't want to do it. It's not that kind of game, it's not very big, so there is no point to working on too long.

Speaker 2:

We are thinking about the early access period to be like six months, something like that. Just to when you, when you, when you will buy the early access version of be my heart, you will have all the features already in it. Like you, you will know what this game is, we know what the core is, you know how it works. The early access will help us, on one hand, to polish it and, the second hand, just to add more content to it more, more levels, more uh units, more bosses, because, yeah, there will be some cool stuff. Uh, we were preparing right now. So this is the thing early access first. Then, after six months, uh, full launch, we are planning to release, uh, we're planning to release a beamer, also on consoles, um, taking about playstation, xbox and switch. So that, so, the whole package, and and we are aiming to do it together with full release, but with early access, it always depends on how it will look like because, who knows, maybe, maybe it won't be six months, maybe it would be 12 months. It really depends on your feedback of players to it. Uh, and who knows after?

Speaker 2:

After that, I will think to going back to runs of magic, you know, because we, after being my heart, we want to make uh, just to calm the, the fans of ransom magic, because they're all waiting for what's going on next with this franchise. Yes, we are going to work on it, but we really want to first finish. Be my Horde, not to work on two free projects at once. That's not us. There's only 10 of us in Polish games. So hey, come on. So first Be my Horde, but after that we are going to make the remake of the first Realms of magic, because we learned a lot and we know we can do it better. And after we make, we are going to make a sequel to realms of magic.

Speaker 2:

So, that's the plan for the next two, three years. I think that we are. We are looking very ahead of us.

Speaker 1:

Nice, nice, is there any, any, any chance of a crossover between realms of magic and be my horde, the characters of a crossover between Realms of Magic and Be my Horde, the characters at least? I mean same universe, perhaps, maybe, I don't know, I'm just throwing that out there. You know what?

Speaker 2:

This is a very good idea, thank you. Thank you so much. I will get back tomorrow to, because it's already. I'm from Poland. When we are talking right now, it's already like half past 7 pm on my side, so I'll go go go back to sleep and next day I will wake up and tell the team hey, you know, guys, I have a great idea and it's very my own idea. But no, no, to be honest, yes, this this sounds cool because, uh, I, we, we already have uh one connection between runs of magic and and Be my Horde. It's like you remember Exploding Ship in.

Speaker 1:

Be my.

Speaker 2:

Horde. We have similar units in Realness of Magic.

Speaker 1:

You can meet.

Speaker 2:

Exploding Ship when you're exploring the world, First connection is made. Maybe we'll do more of them. It's still a fantasy world. To be honest, I need to ask the rest of the team if it's the same world. To be honest, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I've never. To be honest, I need to ask the rest of the team if it's the same word. To be honest, I don't know. I never asked them about it it is. Why would you even ask that question?

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, yes exactly.

Speaker 1:

Did you think it was different worlds and you're like, no, I didn't think so.

Speaker 2:

I need to tell them to not listen to this podcast, because they will hear what nonsense I speak.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I can't, oh, I can't. I can't wait for uh, the game to come into early access, because I had a lot of fun with it at pax and uh and a lot of fun with you on the show. Thank you so much, lucas, for for joining me. Uh, it was really. I hope you had fun because I had a lot of fun with this episode.

Speaker 2:

So I did have a lot of fun. It's great to speaking to you and, uh, I'm happy that my english is not so terrible as I thought it may be when speaking, because it's different when you're talking about the five minutes conversation and 30 minutes conversation. That's a completely different thing. But, uh, yeah, I I stopped to being being nervous of the after first minute because you're a very great host, I love it and I just felt very comfortable here speaking about being my heart and, yes, please, dear listeners, wish the game on steam that's the thing I need to say, as a marketing guy sorry, sorry that's my job for sure they're paying me for that.

Speaker 2:

And remember that the demo we are speaking about here is already available on steam and we have right now what? Uh? First half of April. I don't know when you're going to post this podcast, but I think very, very soon you should hear some cool news about Be my Horde.

Speaker 1:

Nice, nice. I'll put the link in the show notes that you can wishlist this. The other thing I want to ask is what is your social media? How can people follow you on social media, follow the progress of be my hoarding and and see any updates that you have as well?

Speaker 2:

I think the free sources are the best here. First is, of course, steam, because we're trying to not only keep it as a as a empty page. We are going to share some announcements there, some devlogs about what we are we are working on, so we can you can check it out on steam also. We are quite active on our twitter, or you should say x, I guess, x slash twitter, whatever, sorry I'm so. I'm so into twitter name that I cannot switch to x.

Speaker 2:

I'm so sorry, so sorry so you can follow us on twitter, because all the posts you can find on twitter are written by me. I'm responsible for them so go on.

Speaker 2:

And the last one, maybe even the most important thing, is our Discord server. We have the official BIMaho Discord server. The link is on the Steam page. There's a very cool GIF that I made. You can click it and you will go to our Discord server and we are there, like you. You can go there and be directly in contact with us developers, ask us questions and tell us. I don't know if you love our games or you don't love our game, whatever. Just tell us, because we really want to hear what you think about it and praise me, mariana.

Speaker 1:

I love how that is your tag. Now. That is the best. It was also my idea.

Speaker 2:

I'm not too modest.

Speaker 1:

To be honest, I'm not that kind of guy it was so much fun having you on the show. I really appreciate it. I'd love to have you back on the show when it does go into early access and talk more about that. That would be so much fun. Listeners, give the game a wish list. The game, check out the demo. It is really fun. I had so much fun with it at pax. If you like vampire survivors, you're gonna love this game, because this game is like right up that alley. So, uh, with that, everybody stay safe in game on and we'll talk to you next week. Bye, bye.

Game Design Inspiration
Artistic Development of Be My Horde
Game Development Challenges and Balancing
Future Plans for Be My Horde

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